18-18-407(1)(d): introduction, distributed, or imported into the state more than 14 grams of any schedule I or II or more than 7g of methamphetamine or heroin. 18-18-407(1)(c): offense was part of a conspiracy to distribute, manufacture, sell drugs and the defendant initiated, organized, plan, finance, direct, etc part of conspiracy. DF-1 Felony: Presumptive range: 8- 32 years – Mandatory minimum of 8 years (DOC) 18-18-405: distribution/manufacture/possession with intent to distribute more than 225 grams of Sched I/II (more than 8 ounces) or more than 112g of methamphetamine or heroin (more than 4 oz) 18-18-407(1)(b): offense was part of a pattern of manufacturing, sale, dispensing, or distributing which constituted a substantial source of that person’s income and in which the person manifested special skill or expertise. Here is a chart of penalties you can check after you find the crime below: Michael Steinberg Colorado Drug Crimes Criminal Defense Lawyer – AttorneyĬolorado Drug Crimes Classified By Statute, Name, and Possible Punishment – To better understand the Colorado drug crime you may find on your charging document – you must start with how it is classified under Colorado’s drug penalty scheme. Colorado Drug Crimes Classified By Statute, Name, and Possible Punishmentīy H.